Today we'll deal with basics for beginners.
Die Frage lautet: Ich habe die Reihe fertig, wie wende ich und fange wieder an?
The question is: I finished a row, how do I turn and re-start again?
So sieht das Strickstück am Ende der Reihe aus.
That's how it looks at the end of a row.
If you turn the thing, there are two somewhat queer loops, with which you somehow can't do anything. Never mind, the trick is quite simple.
Put the strand behind the left needle going under the needlepoint.
Insert the right needle into the first stitch.
Take the stitch onto the right needle without knitting it. Of course you can also knit it. However, with garter stitch i.e. all knit I like slippping the first stitch, because the edge lies flat then.
Put the right needle through the second stitch and catch the strand.
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