Ich habe zwar die Aragorn-Socken angefangen, die sind aber noch zu kurz zum Zeigen. Übrigens hatte ich nicht nur nicht das Herz, die Cut and Paste Socken zu behalten, ich habe sie aktiv angeboten und sie wurden gerne genommen. Ich freu mich halt, wenn jemand sich über meine Erzeugnisse freut, da gebe ich die gerne weg.
After having celebrated the acomplishment of my goals 2010 I have to show two finished Christmas presents. Furthermore there are two pieces out of the present production.
I have started the Aragorn Socks, still they are to tiny to show. By the way I not only didn't have the heart to keep the cut and paste socks, I offered them actively and they were gladly accepted. I'm so happy that somebody is pleased with my products, so I like to give them away.
Als erstes gibt es das neueste Bild von Katherine Parr, das Ding wird als nächstes fertig. Heute der eine Ärmel, im Lauf der kommenden Woche der zweite Ärmel und ich habe wieder einen Büropullover. Ich habe ein bisschen am Kragen rumexperimentiert, bis das so war, dass es sich nicht nach außen bog. Jetzt funktioniert es gut. Ich hatte das Projekt im Weihnachtsurlaub dabei und werde erst noch die Falte wieder rausspannen müssen. Das Muster ist ein bisschen langweilig zu stricken, weil fuddelig, aber das Resultat entschädigt mehr als angemessen, finde ich. Auf den Pulli freue ich mich sehr.
Firstly there is a new picture of Katherine Parr. This sweater will be finished next. Today I'll finish the first sleeve, during this week the second and I'll have a new sweater for the office. I had to experiment a bit on the neck until it didn't bend outwards. Now it is quite fine. I had the project with me on Christmas holidays and will have to block out the fold after finishing. The pattern is a bit boring and fiddly to knit, but the result will be most worth the effort, I believe. I'm very much looking forward to having this sweater.
Then I bought wonderful yarn at Wollknäuel in Bad Soden: Tupa by Mirasol. Apart from the Mirasol Project being a great idea, the yarn, half merino, half silk, is stunning and knits up beautifully. The gauge fits exactly "Fife" from "Fishermen's Sweaters". It fits thus that I'm able to knit the sweater for myself. The yarn feels wonderful, dense and heavy and at the same time not too warm, so you can wear it well indoors. And it shimmers and gives extra texture to the pattern. This will be a well beloved object for sure.
Convertible knitted with Zauberball "Gebrannte Mandel" is the first of my two Christmas presents. Unfortunately I took the picture before sowing on buttons. I like this construction to knit button holes on the sides of the stole. Unfortunately there are no appropriate mobile buttons (about like cuff links) for this kind of stole, so I had to sow the buttons on. I'll knit that for myself also, I like that.
Then there is the Moonlight Sonata Shawl, unfortunately strangely sloping, I'll have to block that again. The yarn is Unisono by Zitron and I also like pattern and construction a lot. However I didn't knit the loops given in the original pattern, I didn't like those.
The next objective after Katherine Parr will be the finalization of the Practise Fair Isle. I forgot about that a bit, since I had two mistakes in the first sleeve and will have to rip that out again. And I had more interesting projects underway, so this got a bit forgotten. Still I believe it will make a fine sweater for cold weather, not necessarily for the office, but at home it will be alright. And I would have another WIP done.
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